The CAPITANO 140 by BAUER KOMPRESSOREN has been developed specifically for advanced professional applications. Incredible durability, compact dimensions and low weight count here in equal measure.
Furthermore, the first stage and the high-pressure final stage of the CAPITANO 140 feature piston rings made from a new high-tech plastic which are virtually wear-free.
A vibration-reducing motor rocker design optimises smooth running.
Thanks to the extensive range of BAUER accessories, the compressor can be customised to meet all manner of different requirements and intended uses in next to no time.

IK 100 compressor block
The BAUER IK 100 series compressor block has been designed for the most demanding professional applications. Dimensioned for more than 30,000 operating hours, it has proven its worth in thousands of application scenarios.
With their outstanding surface hardness, plasma-nitrided and plateau-honed cylinders are able to achieve extremely long service lives combined with low energy consumption and reliable oil lubrication of cylinder surfaces.
Furthermore, wear-resistant piston rings in the final stage minimize running costs. The compressor block is both efficient and reliable. Stainless steel cooling ribs on the cooler in the final stage provide the basis for particularly efficient cooling and thus very long service life.

P 21 filter system
When used in conjunction with original BAUER filter cartridges, the P 21 filter system with integrated oil and water separator and pressure retention check valve can be relied upon for breathing air treatment conforming to DIN EN 12021¹. A type-tested and sealed final pressure safety valve enables particularly high levels of operational safety to be achieved. 140 m³ of air can be treated.
¹ If the units are maintained and installed correctly as described in the operating instructions or user manual and if the concentration of CO2 in the intake air does not exceed the values specified in the applicable standard for breathing air.